Tutorial: Registering As a Couple

Registering As a Couple

How to Book/Register Your Partner (Couple Registration)

On LindyPlus to make a couple registration for a festival or a school,  follow the steps below in the correct order.

There are two steps.

1: Learn the LindyPlus ID of your partner.

  • Phone him/her, email, ask and learn.
  • LindyPlus ID can be found on "My LindyPlus" page, under the name.
  • LindyPlus ID starts with LP- and continues with a number. It is NOT the username of your partner!

2: Choose couple registration option when registering. Enter LindyPlus ID.

That's all ! Yay!

Down below are some notes and reminders.


  • If there are no waiting lists for the pass, making a couple registration is not essential.
  • Only one of the partners registers and pays for the both passes.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DETAILS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Everything happens in the following order:

  • Partner enters the other partners LindyPlus ID. (Found of My LindyPlus Page)
  • The price of the pass changes instantly. 
  • The partner pays for the registraiton. This creates two (tied) seperate registrations for both partners.
  • Both partners can check their completed registration on My LindyPlus page.


  • LindyPlus ID is a very personal piece of information. Think of it as a social security number. Only you dancers know this information (not even school managers or event organizers know it, unless you tell them).
  • Please only share it with your partners who will be paying for your pass.
  • When you enter your partners LindyPlus ID, we display his/her initials for confirmation purposes, so you know you haven't made a mistake entering the number.
  • After you fully pay, at the thank you page, we display the full name of this partner person so if there's still any mismatch (due to entering the wrong LindyPlus ID) you can let us or the organizers about this immediately.

Tutorial Information
  • Audience: Student
  • Created: July 20, 2017, 3:28 p.m.
  • Last Update: Jan. 5, 2020, 1:06 a.m.

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