Tutorial: LindyPlus School Management System Features
If you have your school on LindyPlus, the features of school management system will dramatically ease your life as a school manager/administrator. The intelligent features of our system will take most of the burden off from your shoulders, especially for the routine tasks.
It will make your school's "information" very accessible to any student and tasks like registration and payment will be very convenient for the students. Let's get started.
List Your Basic Information
Location, addresses, contact information etc. Like a big swing dance address book, this information will be under the same place. Whoever wants to reach you will easily reach you. Even for some, they will know you exist (in your country and city).
List Your Classes/Workshops
Under your school profile page, you can list the classes/workshops available for registration. All the relevant information about the workshop (dance type, location, dates etc) is also displayed. Once the workshop finishes, it would automatically be removed from that list after 4 days. (Still accessible under "All Workshops")
Details of The Workshops/Classes
Under class/workshop details page, you can display further detailed information, like teachers of the workshop, workshop price, exact class dates and times (generated automatically for you if your workshop covers more than one day, eg. once a week for 6 weeks etc.) There's even a small countdown for the start date.
One Click Registration for Students
Students can register to the workshops with one simple click. That's all. No more Google forms, no more entering the same information to 10 different places for 10 different workshops classes. Besides, some students will like the option to pay online easily.
Clever Waiting List
If your workshop requires leader/follower balance and/or waiting list for the payment, we have the most clever waiting list designed to cover all your needs. Besides, this waiting list option would convey justice to the student. (Sometimes, some students wait months to start a class but they never get to be chosen unfortunately.)
Automatic Class Attendance
You don't have to take class attendance manually (includes the attendance for the teacher(s) who teach the workshop), we have the option for the student to notify if she won't be able to attend specific days' class.
Class Fill-Ins for Leader-Follower Balance
Part of the automatic attendance is that, we provide the option to fill in the classes' missing roles with students from your school. For example, if Matt (leader) is not able to make it to Intermediate Advance class on Friday, he notifies he cannot join (he sees this option) and other leaders who are in higher levels can fill in the class so that the leader-follower balance is protected. John (leader) who is advanced level, can fill in the place of Matt for free. We cover all similar scenarios.
Workshop Classlist
Only the managers of the school can reach classlist page. All the information you need about each student/participant of the workshop is under your finger tips. You can also see the students on the waiting list, how much they have paid and the total revenue of the workshop. Some accounting is already done for you. In addition to these, you will find relevant statistics about the students. Besides, in one click you can email the whole class about notifications you wish to make urgently. This applies for the teacher(s) of the workshop as well. If students have downloaded LindyPlus app (avaiable on iTunes store) push notifications are also possible.
Workshop Discussion Section
Registered students of a workshop can see a section where they can discuss class material, share material related to the class (videos etc) and ask/answer questions.
List Your Dance Schools Social Nights/Parties
Everybody creates events on Facebook regarding such nights but the trouble is that
When you list your event on your profile page, you broaden your audience and especially people who follow/like specific bands, djs.. etc can be easily notified about your party/night automatically.
List Your Dance School's Teachers
It's great to show off the cool profile pages of the teachers that teach in your school.
Send News/Announcement to Your Schools Followers
Regardless your student or not, if anybody is following your school on LindyPlus, you can send them your school's news/announcements if you post one. These will appear in their "My LindyPlus" page under NewsFeed. (Facebook like newsfeed.)
Promote Whatever You Want to Promote
We have a dedicated ads section for your school so you can promote whatever you want to promote there. You have an international swing dance event? Have branded dance shoes? Social responsibility project? Your school's swing fashion? Anything. That section is for you.
School Calendar
Show your events, workshops and important dates on a neat, organised school calendar.
System Constantly Under Development
Tell us your needs and requiremets, we will develop them. The best part about LindyPlus school managemet system is that it is under constant development. We take this very seriously.