Tutorial: I Signed Up to LindyPlus, Does That Mean I Have a Registration

I Signed Up to LindyPlus, Does That Mean I Have a Registration

This tutorial is about differences between creating your LindyPlus account and registering to events/schools.


If you have signed up to LindyPlus, this means you now have a LindyPlus account.


This also means, from now on, you can use your LindyPlus account to easily register for dozens of event and school passes with just few clicks. LindyPlus will be your wallet for swing dance related registrations.

So, answering the question:

Signing up to LindyPlus does not mean you have a registration. It just means you now can register to events, schools etc.

So, if you want to register to an event or a school pass, please go the event's/school's profile page and click the "Register" button.

Tutorial Information
  • Audience: Student
  • Created: 14 Eylül 2019 09:50
  • Last Update: 14 Eylül 2019 10:59

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