Berlin Swing Festival

Business 14 Eylül 2018 - 17 Eylül 2018

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This year's Berlin Swing Festival will take place between 14 Eylül 2018 - 17 Eylül 2018 in Berlin, Germany.
1174 people are interested in this event.

In the parties, you will be able to dance to Dukish Vagabonds, Gunhild Carling Band, Kind of Dukish and many more amazing musicians and DJs.

Berlin Swing Festival is organized by Swing Patrol Berlin.

To learn more about Berlin Swing Festival check out the tabs above or Festival Detayları below.

Festival İsmi Berlin Swing Festival
Bu Seneki Edition 2018
Şehir Berlin / Germany
Tarihler 14 Eylül 2018 - 17 Eylül 2018
Festival Türü Workshop
Kayıt Durumu Open
Festival Websitesi
Facebook Etkinliği
Organizatör Swing Patrol Berlin
Bilgi Kaynağı LindyPlus Crawler
Son Güncelleme 31 Ağustos 2018
Sahiplik Event Claimed & Verified
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Lindy Hop Advanced

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    7 hours of Lindy Hop workshops and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 175

Lindy Hop Intermediate Advanced

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    7 hours of Lindy Hop workshops and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 175

Lindy Hop Intermediate

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    7 hours of Lindy Hop workshops and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 175

Lindy Hop Beginner Intermediate

Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    7 hours of Lindy Hop workshops and Sat & Sun party.
€ 175

Collegiate Shag (All Levels)

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    4 hours of classes Friday and Saturday party.
€ 115

Solo Jazz (All Levels)

Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    3 hours of solo jazz classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 95

St. Louis Shag

Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    3 hours of St. Louis Shag classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 95

Package: Lindy Hop + Solo Jazz

Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    10 hours of classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 210

Package: Lindy Hop + St. Louis Shag

Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    10 hours of classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 210

Package: Collegiate Shag + St. Louis Shag

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    7 hours of classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 175

Package: Collegiate Shag + Lindy Hop (½ track)

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    7.5 hours of classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 180

Package: Collegiate Shag + Lindy Hop (½ track) + Solo Jazz

This pass has completely sold out.

    10.5 hours of classes and Sat & Sun party.
€ 210

Package: Collegiate Shag + Lindy Hop (½ track ) + St. Louis Shag

Follower'lar İçin Tükendi
Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:00 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    10.5 hours of classes and Friday and Saturday party.
€ 210

Party Pass

Durum: Mevut Değil
Açılıyor: 22 Haziran 2018 14:30 (UTC)
Kapanıyor: 14 Eylül 2018 00:00

    Parties only at Friday and Saturday.
€ 45

Down below you can find the teachers of Berlin Swing Festival.

Advanced Intermediate Advanced Intermediate Beginner Intermediate

Lindy Hop


A handful of classes, some practise on your own, the basic six- and eight counts under control, and at least a few months of general experience. The level indicates an understanding of fundamentals and a basic ability to dance on a social floor.



This is most likely where the majority of hobby and general social dancers belong. Basic rhythms and general mixing of patterns (six counts, eight counts, charlestons, jig walks et cetera) are familiar, as well as the fundamentals of lead- and follow. The level will both offer quality time around fairly basic material, but even more so try to lift the dance form from an execution of steps to a rhythmical flow of music.



This level is for experienced dancers, not gold-diggers nor dancers that started out last month. On this level the language of rhythms should be spoken fluently and the general flow of the dance be reasonably convincing. Some faster tempi might very well appear and also rhythm variations and personal interpretations. The level in general will provide semi-guided tours in the overall landscape of rhythmical musicality.



Advanced level means advanced dancing and an advanced approach from both the students and the teachers. The ambition of dancers applying for this level should be high, and their background experience should be extensive. This is the level where the art and potential of the dance form fully reveals.


Collegiate Shag

Shag Enthusiasts

You’ve participated in at least one weekend Collegiate Shag workshop in the last 3 months and you dance Shag on parties on a regular basis or you are taking regular classes for at least 3 months. On this level we assume you’re familiar with Collegiate Shag basic step and some of it’s basic variations, you know the concept of phrasing, you know the lines and body posture, as well as the fundamentals of connection, leading and following. (From Warsaw Shag festival) 


Shag Addicts

You love Collegiate Shag and try to dance it as much as possible. You often travel for Collegiate Shag events around Europe. You can tell in a second on which foot your partner is standing, with your eyes closed. You easily adapt to any partner’s level on the social dance floor, you’re not afraid to participate in jams, competitions or performances. You know most of the Collegiate Shag videos on YouTube by heart.


Solo Jazz


This is where an average old-school jazz dancer with a decent knowledge around traditional solo steps and traditional routines will feel comfortable. The level will for sure deal with rhythmical fundamentals, but will also open doors to new rooms. The material will cover choreographed pieces, combinations, traditional steps as well as some slightly faster music here and there.


Intermediate Advanced / IA +

If the intermediate level will open doors to new rooms, this level will offer full entrance and presence inside the rooms. Dancers on this level should be able to somehow understand and speak the physical language of swing, and be familiar with lots of traditional solo jazz steps and routines. The program in general will focus on elements around improvisation and development of sensitivity in connection to the music.

St. Louis Shag

Only one group and you know who you are - the crazy Shaggers!

You love St. Louis Shag and try to dance it as much as possible. The minimum in knowledge for this class are sliding doors, kick aways, inside turn, a variation of basics. This class is about creativity and technic for this specific dance to make it even more fun. We are always recommend to take the classes before to make your dance as smooth as possible.

DJ information for Berlin Swing Festival isn't available (yet).

Down below you can find the bands of Berlin Swing Festival.

Band Name City Country Profile
Dukish Vagabonds Berlin Germany Profile
Gunhild Carling Band Stockholm Sweden Profile
Kind of Dukish Berlin Germany Profile

MC information for Berlin Swing Festival isn't available (yet).

Special Guest information for Berlin Swing Festival isn't available (yet).

N/A out of 5
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