Yaron Ben-Ami
Tel Aviv / Israel
Swing Band
Upcoming Gig

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Artist Not Claimed
  • Yaron Ben-Ami is a swing Band from Tel Aviv.

    On this page you can find the festivals and gigs that Yaron Ben-Ami performs.

In his younger days he roamed the southern United States immersing himself in blues culture, playing everywhere from dive bars in San Francisco, bus stops in Mississippi, and even at the steps of New Orleans Cathedral. While he strongly denies being a blues scholar, asking him a question about blues history always yields a very satisfying answer. Yaron has played and performed with some of the blues greats, including Robert Belfour, Rev KM Williams, Jorma Kaukonen, and Jeron "Blind Boy" Paxton. His album "Blues in the Canaan" was released in 2015.

Upcoming Gigs
Past Gigs
European Blues Invasion
City: London
15 Haziran 2017

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