Tuba Skinny
New Orleans / United States
Swing Band
Upcoming Gig

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Artist Not Claimed
  • Tuba Skinny is a swing Band from New Orleans.

    On this page you can find the festivals and gigs that Tuba Skinny performs.

Hailing from New Orleans, and inspired by the early jazz and blues music of the twenties and thirties, Tuba Skinny -- which consists of tuba, trombone, cornet, tenor banjo/guitar, vocals, washboard, and sometimes clarinet -- evokes the rich musical history of the city. Since forming in 2009, the band has developed a following thanks to their performances on streets and stages around the world. They have released 4 albums.

Upcoming Gigs
Past Gigs
Fleur de Lindy Exchange
City: New Orleans
13 Nisan 2018

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