Les Rhythm Sketches
Strasbourg / France
Swing Band
Upcoming Gig

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Artist Not Claimed
  • Les Rhythm Sketches is a swing Band from Strasbourg.

    On this page you can find the festivals and gigs that Les Rhythm Sketches performs.

Created by Cédric CLERC (swing and blues dancer, choreograph, musician), the trio is a musical group specially dedicated to dancers. Their recipe to make you dance until the end of night: a rhythmic section going straightforward, a striking brass instrument and a voice rough just enough. Arrangements are personal, and specially thought up for dancers. Yet a young group on the swing scene and French blues scene, the Rhythm Sketches have already played with success at various swing festivals. What most caracterizes them: the power and musical space released by only 3 musicians.

Upcoming Gigs
Past Gigs
Fallin' In Blues
City: Grenoble
20 Nisan 2018

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